From the Pastor's Desk
Send Your Tithes and Offerings to: [email protected] or and MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO BROOKLYN COMMUNITY CHURCH Indicate the breakdowns or specific allocations on the Memo Line (Be sure to download the apps and follow the prompts) or Mail to: Brooklyn Community Church P. O. Box 23604 Brooklyn, NY 11202 OUR KNOWN SICK & SHUT-IN MEMBERS
Ethel Kasham Gail Sampson Pressley Rev. Mother Katrnyah O’Neal Deacon Lois Staton-Godwin |
F R O M T H E P A S T O R ’ S D E S K Call-In Phone Number +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID Number 991 0116 8661 1 - 1 8 - 2 4 TO MY BCC FAMILY: Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I greet you in the Precious Name of Jesus. I would like to thank personally everyone who has contributed thus far to the "Pastor's 74th Birthday Celebration" Offering. Your love and support is greatly appreciated. Also, thank you for a beautiful service and your touching verbal tributes offered last Sunday. To God be the Glory. Rev. Belinda Johnson will deliver the Message on this Sunday, January 28th. Come and be blessed. The final session of this series of New Members Orientation Classes will convene on Monday, January 29th, 7 PM, Via Zoom. On Sunday, February 4th, our New Members who have completed the New Members Class will receive Certificates of Full Membership. F R O M T H E P A S T O R ’ S D E S K J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 2 4 Call-In Phone Number +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID Number 991 0116 8661 The Pastor's Tuesday Bible Study Class will convene on January 30th, 7 PM, Via Zoom. We are studying II CORINTHIANS. Come and join us. Non-members from around the country are welcome. The next series (FEBRUARY – MARCH) of the New Members Orientation Class will begin on Sunday, February 4th, In-Person, immediately after the 11 AM service. Any recent New Members are required to attend. All officers and members are welcome. Rev. Fred serves as Instructor. February is our Annual Black History Month Celebration. Please plan to wear African clothes. Email me any suggestions for Black historical figures to be honored. Officers will be in uniform on the 1st Sunday. Love Sunday is February 11, 2024. Our Ash Wednesday Service will be held on Wednesday, February 14th, at 7 PM, In-Person, at 1313 Bedford. We will impose ashes, and the BCC Choir will sing. Rev. Charles Griffin will preach. The BCC Praise Dancers will rehearse on this Saturday, January 27th, at 1 PM, at the BCC Administrative Office, 1368 Fulton Street, Suite 305, Brooklyn, NY. Please see Kymmie Frierson, Deacon Barbara George-Frierson, or Pat Figueroa to join. New members are invited. The BCC Youth Choir will rehearse on Sunday, February 18th, immediately after service. Rehearsals will be held every 3rd Sunday after service, and the Youth Choir will sing every 4th Sunday. All youth are invited to join. Please contact Kymmie Frierson or Tania Ambroise for more information. Deacon Eddie and Justice Vasquez Thomas both visited the Brooklyn Hospital Emergency Room this past Sunday. They were both released and are recovering at home. Earlier this week, Deacon Howard Lee was admitted and released from the hospital with a kidney stone. He is recovering nicely at home. Deacon Gerard Randall's mother was operated on this week for a broken hip. She is recuperating well. All written bulletin announcements should be emailed to [email protected] no later than 12 Noon each Tuesday. Check with Pat Figueroa for further instructions. Please continue to lift our Sick And Shut-In before the Lord in prayer: Rev. Mother Katrinyah O’Neal, Deacon Lois Staton-Godwin, Gail Sampson Pressley, Ethel Kasham I love you. Peace and blessings, Rev. Fred BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Bulletin Announcements for our printed Sunday bulletin should be emailed to [email protected]. Also, please send Rev. Fred a copy at [email protected]. They must be received by 12 Noon on Wednesdays. |